Czech Republic


I spent 3 days in Prague after coming from Berlin and I thought it was a pretty cool city. It’s kind of fairytale-like in the way the buildings are and the city is laid out. My hostel was kind of far from the center square, but it wasn’t too bad.Here’s a few of my favorite pictures.





On the free walking tour I took, this was one of the statues that our tour guide showed us. It was pretty funny because these guys actually rotated back and forth at the hips.


Next was the John Lennon Wall. I don’t remember why they called it this but it was cool anyway.




My friend Alena that I had met in London at Palmer’s Lodge met me in Prague the 2nd day I was there. She is Czech and it made it a lot easier getting around and ordering with someone who actually speaks the language. We did a pub crawl that night through Prague. The first bar on the crawl was at a bagel shop/bar and we walked in and they had a beer pong table set up. I was so excited!! We played that then a 10-on-10 game of flipcup, then headed to the rest of the bars and clubs. It was a fun night!

